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What is Online Learning and Why is It?

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What is Online Learning?

Online learning, also known as e-learning or distance learning is defined as the education process that is facilitated and delivered through digital platform over the internet. As a mode of education, it enables learners to get the course materials, lectures, assessments, and tools for learning and interaction from any geographical location and at any time. Due to its flexibility, which allows learners to study anytime they want and at a place of their choice, online learning has enticed millions of learners.

Online learning can take various forms, including :

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs):

  • They are free massive learning courses provided by universities or other online learning platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Udemy.. MOOCs are usually massively available to users or anybody with an internet connection, making education available in different disciplines.

Virtual Classrooms:

  • These are synchronous sessions where students and instructors participate through the use of collaborative platforms and applications such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams among others. Virtual classrooms are akin to the general classroom situation but, allow the option of access from any location.

Self-Paced Learning:

  • This type of online learning enables the students to move up the lessons at their convenience in their own pace. Lectures, notes, and assignments can be watched and read at the students’ own time and this is very beneficial for those with other responsibilities and different rates of understanding.

Webinars and Workshops:

  • These are events that take place in real-time online and are usually centred on particular issues with professionals in the areas. Webinars and workshops duration usually last shorter than actual courses but offer information and discussion with other professionals.

Blended Learning:

  • This approach integrates face-to-face class and distance learning, thus enabling learners and students to have a chance to learn with the best of the two worlds. The learners may be going to regular face-to-face classes while doing their work on computers and engaging in interactions through social networks and forums.
online learning girl

The Importance of Online Learning

In other words, online learning is not simply a new way of bringing traditional methods to the information age but it is a path breaking tool that is revolutionizing our very approach to learning. Here are some of the key reasons why online learning is so important,

Accessibility and Flexibility

  • Thus one of the most significant advantages that comes with online learning is flexibility. Traditional education on the other hand assumes that students must attend a class physically; this is to mean that those people who live in certain regions or those who cannot be able to transfer to another city cannot attend these classes. All these barriers however are not experienced in online learning as anyone with access to the internet can enrol for courses from Universities and other institutions across the world.
  • But there is one thing that cannot be beaten and that is flexibility that is accorded to anyone learning this way online. While self-paced courses do not conform to the typical method that is time structured there are flexibly taken online course programs for students. This is more so for the developing countries which are understood to have raised admission by adults in established learning institutions as they combine education with working and raising families among other tasks. This means that online learning enables the learner to study anytime they are free from engagements such as work, parental duties or any other obligation.

Cost-Effective Learning

  • Another issue that ought to be taken into perspective is that online education is considerably cheaper. Traditional education to seldom come cheap, students have to pay for their fees, transport, accommodation, and for books and other learning materials. Online learning on the other hand is cheaper in most cases. Most of the online courses are cheaper than classroom learning and student cut costs such as transport and accommodation fees.
  • Also, there are many courses one can take online for free meaning that one does not have to dig into their pockets to be able to get quality education. Unfortunately, the costs of these courses may be high but other mechanisms of payment options or scholarships and even financial aids are normally available for anyone interested in pursuing his or her knowledge further. This democracy of education is one of the greatest achievements of online learning as it empowers citizen from all the strata within society.

Personalized Learning Experience

  • Online learning is meant to be student-centered such that each student gets what they requires depending on the plan set for him. In traditional classrooms, there is only one model that is followed and that is the up-and-running model that needs to be implemented throughout the classroom. But the technological-based learning environment such as online learning platforms apply adaptive learning technologies to deliver education in ways that suits and caters for each learner’s progress, modality, and inclination.
  • For instance, if the learner fails to grasp something, They can watch more videos or revisit reading material or take more practice quizzes until get it. On the other hand, if a student masters a particular area, he may go to the next level without having to be contained in a class. This makes the learning process to be more effective and satisfying because of proper engagement and understanding originating from the customization process.

Career Advancement Opportunities

  • The following knots show why or why not and the bold ones illustrate the elimination of the redundancy of ‘The’.: Necessary knots: For this reason, it has become important to learn continuously in today’s growing job market. Flexible learning enables individuals in their workplaces to gain new skills and knowledge that may be useful in their workplace in order to cope with changes that may take place within organizations. Whether you need to be promoted within your current company, get an industry-recognized certification or make a career switch, online courses are most useful.
  • Also, the importance of online learning has been regarded by many employers and directly recommended to their employees. Companies also provide tuition reimbursement or give their workers an option of online classes through professional development programs. If these opportunities are exploited, one can be assured of a better market worth, better-paid jobs and better prospects for a change of profession.

Lifelong Learning

  • This approach to education known as lifelong learning has gained its popularity mainly due to the fact that today’s world is a world of constant changes in industries and technologies. Online learning supports this notion in that it breaks the tradition of formal classroom learning and avails continuing learning opportunities to people.
  • Whether you are or are not interested in learning a new language, implementing new software, entering a new field of study, or continuing education, online learning offers you the tools and resources to help you learn for a lifetime. It assists them remain relevant in their lines of work, searching for other opportunities and embarking on what they consider fulfilling hobbies.

Networking Opportunities

  • Online learning is not only about acquiring information; it is also about getting a chance to interact with colleagues, teachers and experts from different parts of the globe. Most online classes feature the use of discussion boards, collaborative assignments as well as social meetings that give the students a platform to practice teamwork with other like-minded students.
  • Such interactions can result in interesting business contacts, potential mentor status or even being offered a job. Thus, while advantages of the online educational environment may entail the reduction of some vital characteristics of learning communities such as communicative support, in certain cases, such learning communities can be rather active and beneficial for learners as it can be observed in the traditional educational environment. The learners are therefore able to increase their circles of friends and acquaintances and also obtain different viewpoints that help them in their overall development.

Environmental Benefits

  • Online learning is also unmoved disadvantageous in terms of the environment as compared to traditional classroom leaning. By only requiring access to a computer and the Internet, online learning already saves paper, vehicles, energy for electricity and transportation etc. For instance, students who are taking online courses do not have to travel to actual physical classes preferring the conveniences of their homes hence cutting on fuel emissions. Furthermore, the sources used in online courses are mainly digital, thus enabling low utilization of paper, and therefore conserving the environment.
  • Since the increasing number of people turn their attention towards the negative effects of their contribution towards the environment, the need for better solutions that can reduce the consequences such as online learning is expected to increase. Thus, students who prefer online classes can participate in the construction of a better world and, at the same time, acquire the necessary knowledge.

Enhanced Technological Skills

  • Last but not least, it has to be recognized that online learning on its own builds up technological skills that are of growing importance in contemporary society. There are so many technological tools starting from learning management systems, to tools such as Zoom, Slack, Drive among others that online learners master as part of their learning processes. These skills are not only valuable towards the end if an online course but are also important in the current workplace.


  • Therefore we can conclude that the concept of online learning is not limited to the mere replacement of conventional schools and universities but is a tool that has qualitatively different possibilities for influencing the process and the result of learning. In its inherent attributes like easy access, flexibility, affordable cost and more importantly customization, online education is making potential ways for the millions of learners across the world.
  • If you are in for career progression, need to learn new things, or are passionate about acquiring knowledge on your own, then for sure online learning has what you need. With the progressing development of technology as well as with the increased focus on lifelong learning, the share of online education will only increase.
  • With the choice of online learning, you aren’t simply moving with the trends; you are preparing yourself for the future that operates and thrives based on flexibility, lifelong learning, and voicing your success online.

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